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Enjoy Peace of Mind on Your Cross-Country Trip With RV Insurance

Mr. Auto Insurance • Feb 24, 2023

Taking your family on a road trip in an RV is a great activity regardless of the time of year. However, nothing ruins your family trip like damage to your RV or having to face pricey medical bills due to yours or a family member’s injury. In cases like these, it helps to have RV insurance to assist you with facing these damages and injuries.

A family is sitting in the back seat of a car holding a dog.

RV insurance can cover a lot of different things, such as damage to the RV itself as a result of vandalism, debris, and accidents, as well as emergency expenses related to your RV. When you travel, any additional help or protection can make a big difference for both your finances and your peace of mind in the event that you encounter some sort of emergency.

How much you pay for your RV insurance is based on a number of different factors. For example, the amount of time you use your RV influences your premium. If you only use your RV occasionally for things like vacations, you won’t have to pay as much as if you used it on a regular basis. There are also different costs associated with whether or not you plan to take your RV across state or country lines.

If you have an RV that you want to protect, reach out to our team here at Mr. Auto Insurance and learn about the benefits of RV insurance. We are happy to help you find the perfect insurance policy for your needs.

04 Jul, 2024
Summer is synonymous with barbecues, parades, and fireworks. While fireworks are a beloved tradition, they can also be extremely dangerous. According to the National Safety Council, the best way to enjoy fireworks is at public displays conducted by professionals. Despite their legality in some areas, using fireworks at home poses significant risks. Every year, thousands of people suffer injuries requiring medical treatment due to fireworks-related incidents. These injuries often affect children and young adults, with many incidents involving amateurs using professional-grade, homemade, or illegal fireworks. However, even legal consumer fireworks like sparklers and small firecrackers can cause serious harm. Fireworks are also responsible for starting an average of 19,000 fires annually. To ensure a safe celebration, follow these important firework safety tips. Fireworks Safety Tips If consumer fireworks are legal where you live and you decide to use them, adhere to the following safety guidelines: Supervise Young Children: Never allow young children to handle fireworks. Older children should use them only under close adult supervision. Avoid Impairment: Do not use fireworks if you are impaired by drugs or alcohol. Wear Protective Eyewear: Both those using fireworks and bystanders should wear protective eyewear to prevent injuries. Use Outdoors Only: Never light fireworks indoors. Always use them away from people, houses, and flammable materials. Single Device at a Time: Light only one firework at a time and maintain a safe distance after lighting. Never Hold in Hand: Never hold lighted fireworks in your hands or ignite them in containers. Do Not Relight: If a firework malfunctions, do not try to re-light or handle it. Soak it in water and dispose of it safely. Dispose Properly: Soak both spent and unused fireworks in water for a few hours before discarding them in a non-flammable container Keep Water Nearby: Have a bucket of water or a hose ready to extinguish fireworks that don't go off or in case of a fire. Better yet, grab a blanket, find a spot on the lawn, and let the experts handle the fireworks show. The Dangers of Sparklers Many people consider sparklers a safer alternative, but they can be more dangerous than you think. Sparklers burn at about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit—hot enough to melt some metals. They can easily ignite clothing, and children often suffer severe burns from dropping sparklers on their feet. According to the National Fire Protection Association, sparklers alone account for more than 25% of emergency room visits for fireworks injuries. For children under five, sparklers cause nearly half of the total estimated injuries. Consider safer alternatives like glow sticks, confetti poppers, or colored streamers for a fun and safe celebration. Remember, the safest way to enjoy fireworks is at a public display conducted by professionals. Stay safe this summer by following these tips and avoiding the use of fireworks at home. For more safety tips and information, follow and like our social media accounts. Stay safe and have a wonderful summer!
06 Jun, 2024
Living in Ft. Myers means being prepared for hurricane season. Protecting your home and family involves planning and taking proactive steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get ready: 1. Sign Up for Alerts Stay informed by signing up for local alerts and warnings. Regularly monitor local news and weather reports for updates. Prepare to Evacuate 2. Test your emergency communication plans. Learn evacuation routes and ensure you have a place to stay. Pack a “go bag” with essentials like water, food, medications, and important documents. 3. Stock Emergency Supplies Gather necessary supplies such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and first aid kits. Ensure you have enough supplies to last at least 72 hours. 4. Protect Your Property Install sewer backflow valves to prevent floodwater from backing up into your home. Anchor fuel tanks and review your insurance policies to make sure you’re adequately covered. Catalog your belongings by taking photos or videos for insurance purposes. 5. Safeguard Critical Documents Collect and secure important financial, medical, educational, and legal documents. Store these documents in a waterproof container or upload digital copies to a secure cloud service. 6. Follow Local Authority Guidance Adhere to instructions from local authorities during a hurricane. If advised to evacuate, grab your “go bag” and leave immediately. 7. Stay Safe During the Storm Stay away from windows and seek shelter on the lowest level in an interior room. Move to higher ground if there is flooding or a flood warning. Avoid walking or driving on flooded roads. Remember, "Turn Around Don’t Drown." 8. Emergency Response Call 9-1-1 if you are in life-threatening danger. Keep a battery-powered radio with you to receive updates if the power goes out. 9. Post-Storm Safety Return to your home only after authorities say it is safe. Avoid entering damaged buildings until they are inspected by professionals. Stay clear of downed or unstable trees, poles, and power lines. Wear gloves and sturdy shoes to protect yourself while removing debris. Do not drink tap water unless it is declared safe by officials. Being prepared can make all the difference during a hurricane. Ensure your family’s safety and protect your home by taking these steps now. Don’t wait until it’s too late—review your insurance policies today and make sure you have the coverage you need. Contact Mr. Auto Insurance for a personalized review of your policy to ensure you’re fully protected this hurricane season.
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